Living in Small Town

Who doesn’t know that?! Various prejudices about the different types of cities are romping around in our heads. There is nothing to discover in the village, the big city is grey and there is no nature here. Where is the best place to live, study or work? And how do I find that out for myself? In the best case, by simply trying it out for yourself. For now, I share my personal impressions and experiences with you that might make your decision easier.

Population density and personal comfort zone

Let it be said that the choice between big city and small city is not easy and should be made with caution. Am I a person who is not afraid of big masses? Do I need a lot of freedom and space for myself? Do I let myself be quickly distracted or do I pursue my goals in a focused way?

Depending on birthplace, experiences and other factors, we have already developed possible preferences for ourselves that are not insignificant for the step into a new city. But above all, a certain amount of openness to new things is important. And what else counts, you can read below.

Leisure time and party factor

Whether it’s a charming, well-designed bar, the next record store with an integrated café, open-air festivals or a hip underground club – the big city offers a wide range of leisure activities that almost always leave you spoilt for choice. It’s not uncommon for people to get the feeling that they could miss something if they decided on the “wrong” event.

On the other hand, such events in smaller cities are rather sparse. Here the free time can be used differently – namely in nature. Bicycle tours, lake visits or jogging in the endless forest are much easier and faster than in the big city.

Hipster Radar

Hipster here, Hipster there, Hipster everywhere!? Not necessarily, but more and more often. Whether small town or big city, trendsetters can be found everywhere. Thanks to the Internet, the borders here are blurring. Surely a new small fashion label will settle down preferably in the hip big city hustle and bustle, but thanks to the own online shop these things are also available in no time in the small town and no trend misses someone anymore.

Cultural diversity

For those who enjoy further cultural education, the big city offers superlatives: concerts, museums, poetry slams, arthouse cinemas, theatres, vernissages, etc. – some of which are free of charge! The bigger the city, the greater the cultural diversity. This does not mean, however, that small cities have nothing to offer culturally. Here, too, there are opportunities to inspire spirit and intellect with artistic performances, but the offer is usually smaller.

Culinary effusions

What is certain is that the multicultural influences of the big city palate mean that exotic and sometimes unusual dishes are more often enjoyed. There is also a snack bar at almost every corner, where you can also satisfy your nocturnal cravings. In return, rural areas usually offer hearty and traditional home cooking.

But here, too, a trend spills over the city limits: mobile food trucks offer a whole range of different streetfood delicacies. And thanks to the Internet, you can now easily track and check out many of these mobile treats via your mobile phone and the Foodtrucks Deutschland App, when the next Foodtruck is just around the corner.

Money on my mind

The money factor often plays a decisive role. As a rule, the cost of living in a big city is higher. Affordable housing is rare in large cities. The small town often offers cheaper possibilities. You can invest the saved money for example in a trip – perhaps also in one or the other weekend trip to the next metropolis?

Where to go?

I’ve had both experiences and don’t want to miss any of them. At the moment I can’t imagine to exchange the life in the big city for the idyllic village life. But I don’t want to make a clear judgement either. What is certain is that life in a small town often sets a more moderate pace. Which in turn is ideal for realising one’s own projects and finding oneself. The abundance of activities in the big city, on the other hand, makes the heart of the discoverer beat faster.

However, it also tempts people to let themselves be distracted. So why not just try both and decide where you belong! Whether you want to create a flawless big city symbiosis or rather enjoy your peace in the small but fine village ambience. Bachelor here, Master there – nothing is impossible and you are only young once!

Forget the big city!

Do renunciation practice? -Not in the small town!

City or country: Where is it better to live? This is often the question when looking for a building plot. It is a bit misleading, as it provokes clichéd answers. By “city”, most people understand large cities such as Berlin and Hamburg, while rural life is associated with small villages.

The fact that there are also many small and medium-sized cities is often neglected when choosing a place to live. They often combine the advantages of urban and rural life in a practical way. They have a lot to offer without being confusing or anonymous. On the one hand there would be:

While in the village there are often only the football club and the volunteer fire brigade available for leisure activities, in small and medium-sized towns you will find a dense network of clubs in which you can get involved.

Last but not least, the shopping facilities in small towns are also satisfactory. In addition to small shops in the city centre, many municipalities have also invested in a business park, where you will usually find supermarkets and a small shopping centre.

However, the search for a suitable school is more difficult:


Most small towns have day-care centres, primary schools and secondary schools, but if one attaches importance to a special educational offer (for example schools in independent sponsorship/private schools, Montessori or Waldorf schools), it often looks mau. If one does not want to do without it, a longer journey has to be accepted.

Pleasant: You can live in a small town

Small and medium-sized towns cannot keep up with the wide range of culture and shopping opportunities, but they are less anonymous. There is a high probability that you will meet people you know every day. More often at least than in villages, I think, because there is no possibility to meet anyone spontaneously. You probably have to stand in front of their front door and ring the bell. Village streets are usually completely inanimate.

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